
Promoting Excellence in Learning through Literacy

QEP targets the first-year freshman experience with the enhancement of two essential forms of academic literacy: information literacy and communication literacy. Information literacy and communication literacy form the foundation of the academic core curriculum and are identified as the best predictors of college and career success for students.

The 品质提升计划, Literacy: Promoting Excellence in Learning, aims to transform the educational experience by focusing on the specific forms of literacy that the 21st century puts at a premium: 信息素养, the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively through information literacy; and 交流文化 the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively with others using traditional and new forms of media.

The anticipated consequence of the Literacy QEP by academic immersion is promoting excellence in learning so that students achieve academically, progress in their education, and graduate in a timely manner. 具体地说, the Literacy QEP is designed to improve student performance on exit measures of competency and to improve retention and graduation rates.