Provide students an awareness of the use of technology that will successfully support them in navigating through platforms such as the MyTSU Portal, T-CLAW, 学位工作, 黑板上, 等.
Office of Information and 技术
- Enrollment and Completion Advisors
- 辅导中心工作人员
- University 技术 Experts (黑板上 & T-CLAW)
Linkages with Other Plays:
- 应用程序 & 入场-游戏1
- 财政援助-玩2
- 建议 & 注册-游戏3
- Self-Actualization – Play 9
- 校园订婚 – Play 13
- 住宅订婚 – Play 14
- P-4a: Provide students with resources designed to enhance their understanding of University-wide technology platform functionality.
- Date of modules during freshman open house (calendar of events and materials shared)
- Number of freshman modules (promotions of events, tracking attendance)
- Date communication sent to students on how to navigate MyTSU网络 portal (track virtual orientation participation)
- Date in-person/virtual training on 黑板上, MyTSU网络, and T-CLAW in FS102 (track participation, indicator for in-person or virtual. What is used as a competency test of student’s learning?)
This structured approach ensures that students are well-supported in their use of institutional technology, promoting better navigation and utilization of university platforms for their academic success.